Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Puella Magi Madoka Magica Chibi - Futuristik

 Another chibi arts from futuristik, this time is chibi Madoka Magica Characters, including the famous QB!.


Monday, 25 July 2011

Nyotalia Chibi III

Another Nyotalia chibi, complete version of the one before. Check out other chibified hetalia characters.


Saturday, 23 July 2011

Chibi Hetalia Official Art + Wallpaper

Another official art from Himaruya Hidekaz. Last times was the genderbending or Nyotalia Version. This time are Japan, Italy and German with two poses each. See the walpapper inside.


Monday, 11 July 2011

The Question 7/11: What anime did you check out this weekend?

Please don't beat me up for this one.  I was extremely busy the entire weekend, I swear!  I would have loved to have more time to watch anime, but things just didn't work out that way this time around.  For me, the only anime I got to watch was the one episode of Durarara!! that I watched with you guys over the weekend!  At least some anime is better than none, right?!

Hopefully you guys made up for my falling behind.  What anime did you get to check out this weekend?  Did you start anything new, or were you continuing on with series' you've already started?  Leave us a comment and let us know what you watched...and how it was!

The must-see anime that you haven't seen

Anime content definitely comes in tiers of quality.  It's just like any other entertainment medium out there.  When people talk about movies, video games, TV shows and music, there are certain bits of content that people deem as 'must see'.  These are the projects that any respectable fan of whatever it may be must expose themselves to. If you don't, you're simply missing out on the best of what that form of entertainment has to offer.

Anime is no exception to this rule.  There are certainly anime TV series' and films that a majority of fans would consider to be must-see.  These are the high watermarks for anime in general that help to showcase what the medium brings to the table.  They transcend the norm to become something that is appreciated by circles that don't usually appreciate anime.

I know I'm going to miss a few anime features, but I'm going to do my best to put together a short list of anime that is considered to be must-see.  I'm not talking about anime that anime fans consider to be required viewing, but instead, anime features that even traditional film/TV buffs consider important.

Ghost in the Shell
Cowboy Bebop
Neon Genesis Evangelion
At least one Miyazaki film
Grave of the Fireflies

Now out of that collection, what features have you not seen?  I'm ashamed to admit that I've never seen Grave of the Fireflies, but I plan on changing that soon.  Hopefully I won't get too harassed for not having seen it yet!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Could anime find a place in prime time on the major networks?

In past articles, we've talked about your methods of viewing anime content.  You can buy DVDs and Blu-ray collections, stream content to your TV, watch online and a bunch of other methods.  Obviously anime isn't as readily available for viewing in the states as it is in Japan, but we do have plenty of options.  We work with what we can do, but wouldn't it be nice if anime were a bit more accepted on TV?

I'd absolutely love to see what would happen if a major network in the states decided to air anime in a major primetime slot.  We know that's how some anime features are in Japan, so why couldn't it work here?  You have to build an audience to begin with, so that means one of the networks would have to be brave and put it into their lineup.  Obviously primetime is a sought-after slot on any major network, so I don't know that they'd be willing to do that.

The funny thing is, animation in general was in that position many, many years ago.  Networks didn't show animation in prime time at all.  It took one show to come along and change that, and it was The Simpsons.  While the show right now isn't what it used to be, back in the day it was a huge deal.  It took the success of The Simpsons to show networks that animation could definitely succeed.

Now...what network would be willing to take that risk in today's day and age?  Again, it's going to some brave network to take it on, and it's going to take a major show with big appeal.  Is there an anime out there that could do that?  What network do you think would take it on, and what show would you pick?

I want a personal anime cheerleader!

Wouldn't it be nice to have someone in life that was always cheering you on?  No matter what you were doing, this person would always give you the confidence that you need to get through all sorts of situations.  We all have friends that like to help us out and enjoy seeing what great things we do, but I don't think anyone really has that amount of excitement that anime characters do.

As you can see, I'm not really talking about a cheerleader in a traditional sense.  I think we've all seen anime where one character in the main group is extremely enthusiastic.  They're always yelling and saying positive things, trying to push their friends into all sorts of crazy situations.  Those characters always believe in their friends and know that they'll come out on top.  Having someone at your back like that 24 hours a day would be pretty nice!

Thinking about those anime character types blending into real life makes for some pretty interesting situations. Obviously there are times when anime characters act just like regular people, and in some anime they actual normal the entire time.  Then there are other times when anime characters are hugely over the top, and you'ld never see people act like that in real life.  Taking personality types to the extreme is an anime staple!

If you could take an anime character type and translate it into real life, what one would you pick?  The strong, silent guy, the comedian that's always yelling?  Let us know your top pick!

Durarara!! Ep. 3 - impressions

Another week, another Durarara!! episode. I can't believe how long the wait feels between episodes, and then how quickly the actual episode flies by while watching. I guess that's a good thing! If I wasn't enjoying the series, I don't think time would go so quickly while watching! While this week's episode may not have been better than the last, but it was definitely still engaging.

Personally, I felt the first half of the episode to be a bit slow. Compared to last week's intriguing dialog and character development, things felt a little slow-going in this episode. It wasn't until later in the episode that I realized that we were watching an intentional slow boil that would lead into the most action we've seen in the series yet.

The second half of episode three is jam-packed with some of the biggest, most elaborate action we've seen in the series. It's a completely different style when compared to what we saw from our headless motorcycle rider. This action is even more over the top, and even a bit comical in nature. Needless to say, it really was a spectacle. This is the showpiece of the entire episode, and I can only hope that the series is going to bring more of this type of content.

I still say that episode 2 is my favorite thus far, but 3 really gave things a run for my money with the second half. If anything, I think this episode proved that Durarara!! has a lot to offer the viewer. It can be deep and introspective, but it can also be packed with all-out action and over-the-top characters. I'm definitely interested in a series that strives to be all things and pulls it off.

7 out of 10

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Durarara!! on Adult Swim - Episode 3 live chat (stars 12:30 A.M. EDT)

The live chat is open for you guys to hang out, but the big event happens at 12:30 A.M. EDT.  I'll be hopping into the chat about 15 minutes before the show airs.  Hope you guys join us!

Do you hide your interest in anime?

If there's one thing people like to do, it's judge.  This is especially true when it comes to the internet.  It seems that men and women alike are than willing to pick someone apart for the things that person enjoys or doesn't enjoy.  Rather than try to learn more about that person, they just put them down for what they don't understand. I know not everyone is like that, but it does seem to be more and more present in recent years.

While being a gamer is not nearly as frowned upon as it used to be, it seems that being an anime viewer hasn't really caught on as another acceptable way to spent your free time.  I'm sure you've had at least one dirty look or negative comment about your anime viewing over the years.  This could come from friends, family or even people on the internet.  I know I've had it happen to me, and of course, it doesn't feel good.

This kind of commentary leads some people into hiding their hobbies.  To think that people are ashamed of a hobby like anime viewing is just silly to me.  I like to think I'm open-minded to all sorts of things, and I never want to judge someone for what they enjoy.  As long as it doesn't hurt anyone, it's okay with me.  I know that anime viewing hurts no one, but I also understand why some people choose to keep their interest a hobby.  It can be more fun to view and enjoy on your own time rather than get bashed and harassed for your interest.

Do you hide your interest in anime from others?  You might do this just because you believe some other people won't understand.  It's not silly to be afraid of what people say, but I want you to know that you shouldn't be ashamed of what you like.  You don't have to shove anime into the faces of those that belittle you, but there's nothing wrong with standing up for your interests.  Anime is not a dirty hobby...it's perfectly acceptable.

I'm proud to call myself an anime viewer and to have friends like you to view alongside.

An introduction to anime...through this blog?!

I heard a really great story today at a family party.  I'm actually still at the party right now, but I wanted to make sure I posted up this story before I forgot all the details.  I didn't expect any discussion of anime at the party today, but my cousin hit me with a big surprise as soon as I showed up at the party.  She's actually following along with the anime blog.

Why is this such a big surprise?  To my knowledge, my cousin hasn't seen any anime before.  She may have come across an episode of Pokemon or something like that, but she doesn't really know about all the anime types that are out there.  For whatever reason, she learned about the anime blog that I was running.  Ever since she found out, she's been reading every post.

I think the best part of the story has to do with her opinion of anime now.  While she is yet to watch any anime, she really sees my passion for the topic coming through.  I don't know what articles in particular really spoke to her, but she said she's honestly thinking about checking out some anime now.  This is the perfect situation for me to come in and suggest some things she might like!

I can only hope that you guys are enjoying this blog at least a fraction of what she is.  I really do want to bring anime fans together, and work to make new anime fans. I've already seen evidence that this is happening, even if it's on a small scale.  I can't thank you guys enough for the support, the Tweets, the emails and facebook posts.  I'm really happy to see all you guys showing your love of anime and spreading the word!

Reminder: Durarara!! Episode 3 live-chat tonight at 12:30 AM EDT!

I can't believe we're already 3 weeks into Durarara!!.  Last week's episode really sealed the deal for me.  I've been dying to see what happens next, and I have also been fighting the urge to watch the episode online!  Things are getting really interesting!

We'll be here watching the show tonight at 12:30 AM EDT.  We'd love to have you join us on the site and hit up our live-chat.  We'll be talking with others watching the show at the same time.  Join us and chat while watching on Adult Swim, or sync up with your digital/DVD version!  Either way, the more the merrier!

Chibi Pockie Ninja

Chibi Bleach & Naruto Wallpaper from the famous Online Games, Pockie Ninja

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Nyotalia Chibi II

Another Nyotalia Chibi, this time is an official art ! from Hetalia's Hidekaz Himaruya


Friday, 8 July 2011

What would you like to do for a 'Let's Watch' feature?

Awhile back, I told you guys that I wanted to do a 'Let's Watch' feature.  I'd really love to get into that soon, so I thought I'd explain the idea to all of you.  On top of that, I'd like to talk about options for what we could watch!

My idea for a Let's Watch feature would have us all watching a couple episodes of a particular anime each week.  We'd all watch the same anime, and then during certain specific days I would post an impressions article on the site.  The main part of this feature would be for us to have a conversation about the episodes we watch, as well as the series' direction.  I'm hoping this is an idea that interests you guys!  It's like our Durarara!! live-chat features, but this time we'll go into detailed analysis!

The most important question is, what are we going to watch?!  There are so many anime features out there to choose from, we shouldn't have any trouble figuring out something that should we can all enjoy.  There definitely have to be a couple guidelines when picking an anime, and these are the major ones I can think of.

- Series has to be easily/readily available for all to watch without needing to purchase anything
- Series content shouldn't stray too far into the adult area, since we want to involve as many people as possible
- Series should be dubbed/subbed so that anyone can watch in their preferred method
- Series shouldn't be 100+ episodes.  We want to start of with something manageable!

That's all the guidelines I can think of, so I open up the suggestions to you!  Leave a comment here, send a Tweet, comment on my Facebook post or email me directly.  Let's hear what you guys want to tackle together!

This week's skewed comment on anime

I think I'm going to make this a weekly feature.  I don't believe I'll do the post the same day every week, since comments via Twitter come in all the time.  I'll just the right one when I see it!  That's exactly what happened just a few minutes ago.  Again, I'm not going to name the Twitter user that made this statement, only because I'm not trying to get people to rag on here.

anime is a grown mans excuse to watch kids shows

I always say that people have the right to their own opinion, and that stands true even with this statement.  With that said, I always look for the reasoning behind statements.  If someone takes a stance on a subject, I feel they should be able to explain where they're coming from.  That's what I'm looking for from this person.  I've sent out my message, and I'm eagerly awaiting the response.

Personally, I feel her answer isn't just offensive, it's flat-out wrong in one way.  To say that animation is for children only is like saying live-action is for adults only.  It just doesn't make any sense and simply isn't true.  Live action programming can be made for kids, and animated features can be geared towards adults.  How someone believes this is beyond me!

I'll be sure to keep you updated on what happens with this person.  I'd love to show her what anime is all about, but I think this person might be a challenge.  That's okay...I'm always up for challenges!

The fantastic settings of anime

If there's one thing we can say about anime, it's that we get to experience all parts of the universe just by sitting on our couch.  Anime has shown me some of the most beautiful, amazing places that our world has to offer.  I've also been taken to distant lands that are out in the far-reaches of space.  If that wasn't enough, we also get to explore other worlds, universes and even times!  Anime creators sure aren't afraid to take us anywhere their imagination can create.

Just the other day on Twitter, I was talking with a few people that were discussing the locations of anime.  One person had said that the portrayal of Japan in anime made it look like a fantastic tourist attraction.  So much so that they were in the beginning stages of planning a trip!  I can definitely agree that anime does a fantastic job with painting Japan in a wondrous light.  Even when dealing with sad and bleak anime, the surrounding Japanese landscapes look gorgeous.

That's just one location, though!  While we can't exactly visit outer space like some anime do, we can most certainly visit anywhere on this earth...provided we have the funds.  It's very clear that those creating anime put a lot of time and effort into making their backdrops really stand out.  Some anime spent a lot of time panning on their backgrounds, and deservedly so.  These depictions are absolutely gorgeous!  Knowing that you can actually visit some of the places you see in anime is an amazing feeling.  It also goes to show you just how moving anime can be!

What was the last anime setting you saw that you wanted to actually see in real life?  Even if it's a location that doesn't exist on this earth, you can still call it out!  You can't help where you want to visit, can you?!  Hopefully you've seen a real-world location or two that has tickled your fancy.

Anime for newcomers: The push continues

You guys know that I've been pushing hard to get some new people into anime.  That's one of the main goals of this blog.  I'm happy to say that things are going very well so far!  I am honestly surprised to see just how open people have been.  I thought there would be many more close-minded people out there, but I'm very glad to be wrong.

It seems that I'm having the most success through Twitter, believe it or not.  Many of you know that I'm not exactly into Twitter, due to all of its limitations.  With that said, I've had some great connections and conversations concerning anime on our Twitter account.  I've also come across a handful of people that weren't into anime, and their messages lead to some very interesting conversations.

There was one girl in particular that didn't really want anything to do with anime, but didn't have anything against it.  When I talked to her about why she was so quick to push anime away, she honestly didn't know.  That pushed the conversation into us trying to figure out what anime features she might actually like.  She took some of my suggestions and said she would try to find somewhere to watch them.  She happens to live in France, so finding streaming sites with the correct licenses is a bit of a struggle, but she's trying!

This is the perfect example of someone that had negative feelings towards anime, but they had no idea why.  It was just something that they never bothered to check out because of those feelings, but they never stopped to think about why they felt that way.  It's sad to see situations like this, but I'm so happy that many people in this position are willing to change their position.  The story above is just one of many successful pushes towards anime that have come thus far.  I really hope things keep going this way!

Have you guys had any luck bringing some new people into anime?  Are you too busy watching anime yourself to try?!

The beauty of traditional animation

If you live in America, it's easy to see that animated films are dominated by computer generated imagery.  It's been that way for a number of years now, and it doesn't seem like it's a trend that's going to stop anytime soon.  I can definitely appreciate the work that goes into computer animated features, but there's just something about it that doesn't sit right with me.  I think those CG features lack a lot of charm...a lot of warmth.

Even with American TV cartoons, there's a mix of CG and hand drawn.  Some series' are fighting back against the trend of computer animation, but it's still not like it used to be back in the day.  It's clear that computer animation has a number of advantages to traditional animation, and that all plays into the decisions of what makes it to air and what doesn't.  If a series can be made cheaply and quickly, computer animation has to be a factor.

I think that's why I have such an appreciation for anime.  Now don't get me wrong, I know a lot of anime features rely heavily on computers.  Hell, most shows are done with nothing but computer work.  The thing is, in America we see computer-created series' and films that strive for a CG look.  In Japan, animators aim to make their work look as close to hand-drawn animation as they can.  That doesn't happen by accident.  A ton of painstaking work goes into those features to make that visual result stand out.

There's just something very organic about anime...something so beautiful.  It's almost like some American animation houses have stopped taking pride in their creations.  They're just pumping out feature after feature with the next best thing in CG animation.  What was an eye-opening and interesting visual approach so many years ago is now the standard.  It just doesn't seem to do anything for me anymore.

Anime never gives me that feeling.  I'm always humbled and very impressed by what anime features pull off.  I repeatedly see anime features that wow me with new techniques and visual styles.  It's these sort of things that show me just how much more there is left to the more traditional style of animation.

BONUS - If you don't mind a few spoilers, there's an episode of Birdy the Mighty: Decode that really shows how amazing anime visuals can be.  This kind of animation seriously gives me goosebumps.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

The anime that changed your life

There's this thing I do every single day.  I'd like to call it 'life'.  I'm pretty sure you guys know all about it.  I'm also willing to bet that you take part in it as well!  We all have our daily routines, our opinions on thousands of topics, and a bunch of things that we have to get done every 24 hours.  Somewhere in there, we manage to fit some time for fun stuff.  That's where anime comes into play.

I like to watch anime to unwind.  Just like playing games, watching some anime will put a smile on my face.  Just being able to kick back and enjoy some free time with anime really makes my day.  There's nothing else to do in that very moment but watch anime and just take it all in.  That's probably why I get so much from anime!  I get to sit and really analyze what I'm watching.

Sometimes if it's a particularly engaging anime, it'll get me thinking about all sorts of story aspects.  I like to think about where the story could go, how the writers managed to build up the great story arc and so on.  Even higher than that are anime that make you rethink how you live and what you do.  An anime to make you look at your own life and reflect upon what you've done does not come often, but they are indeed out there.

I've actually been lucky enough to have that happen a couple times.  Most recently it happened with 5 Centimeters Per Second.  I really think that absolutely every anime fan needs to see this film.  It has such a 'real' vibe, if that makes any sense.  The way the story unfolds really makes you look at your life and the connection you have with family and friends.  For me, it helped me to better understand myself, why I value friend connections so much, and how I should never be afraid to work hard for something I love.

Did you ever have an anime that changed your life, be it in a little or big way?  I sure hope I'm not the only one!

No room for all this merchandise!

There's no doubt about it.  Anime can take over major portions of your house.  If you start on the path to becoming an anime fan, you better be ready to make a lot of room where you live!  Even if you plan to keep your actual anime collection on the digital side of things, you'll be surprised at just how much room other anime merchandise will clutter things up.  I know how this is first-hand, and I simply don't have the room to display things as I'd like!

I guess it's just a natural progression.  When you find out about things you like, you want to collect other things related to that topic.  For example, I really love Akira.  That love of the film went from owning the DVD to collecting figurines from the movie.  From there, I started getting various posters for the film.  Before I knew it, this was the situation with a bunch of anime that I liked.  I amassed a ton of posters, toys and other merchandise.  Now I have nowhere to put it!

Back when I used to live with my parents, my anime collection not only took over my room, but also the living room where I did most of my work.  Posters were all over one section of the wall in the living room.  There simply wasn't anywhere to hang them in my room anymore.  I had filled all open wall and ceiling spaces with anime and gaming posters!  Now that I've been in my own place for a couple years, I see just how quickly space fills up.

One day I'd like to move into a bigger place, and hopefully have a room for just my anime and gaming.  A room where I can line shelves with DVDs, games and toys.  It'll be the perfect room to sit, play and watch in. For now, much of my collection stays packed away.  I love to display the things I enjoy, but I can't do that when displaying those things blocks everyday actions...like moving!

Is your room an otaku shrine?  If so, leave us a comment and let us know!  We'd love to see pictures of your special anime den.

The Great Divide: Lupin the Third

I think I should be a bit ashamed to admit this, but I'm not one to keep secrets.  I had no idea who or what Lupin the Third was until it appeared on Adult Swim.  I had never heard of the series, the character or anything about the Japanese legacy.  My knowledge of the series came from a few short promos that Adult Swim did to pump up the premiere.  I was kind of interested in what I saw in the promos, but not blown away.  Boy am I glad I checked out the show anyway.

Lupin the Third quickly became one of my favorite characters of any any anime series.  Lupin may be a criminal, but he does have a bit of a heart.  No matter how hard he tries, he just can't keep that gruff exterior at all times.  A thief with a heart of gold is definitely an interesting character, but Lupin's charm also comes from his lack of sophistication.  While he's top-notch at pilfering, he's not exactly the smoothest guy in other respects.  He can't control his testosterone when a gorgeous woman is on the scene, and he's rather forward with some of his langauge.  All of that just makes him more lovable.

No matter how great Lupin is, he needs a supporting cast to back him up.  Lupin has a cast of characters that almost always travel with him, and they help to even out what Lupin doesn't have.  Jigen is a top-notch marksman that can handle the extra direct work.  Goemon shows a calm and collected nature through his samurai training.  He helps to keep Lupin in check.  Finally there's Fujiko, who loves to manipulate Lupin and is also around to show Lupin's trademark horniness.

Lupin the Third as a series is all about big heists and even bigger trouble.  Lupin and the gang are always out to grab some sort of treasure or big cash, and they'll have to go on a wacky adventure to pull it off.  The show doesn't shy away from all sorts of avenues for story telling, involving ghosts, zombies and other off-the-wall scenarios in the treasure hunts.  That's what makes the show so great.  One time Lupin could be entering a car race to steal some money, the next he could be fighting off a house full of women that are trying to hit him with old-age perfume.  You really never know where the show is going, but you know that with the cast of characters it'll always be fun.

It was through the Adult Swim airings that I found out just how popular Lupin is in Japan.  I had no idea he was one of the brightest anime/manga stars there is!  The love of the character shows no bounds, and support of Lupin has continued on for years and years.  The first TV series started off all the way back in 1971, and even that wasn't the beginning of the character!  It's quite obvious that the world of Lupin has really clicked with Japan.

That's why I'm so sad to see that the series gets almost no attention in the states.  Adult Swim took on a big risk when airing the localized version of Lupin, and it doesn't seem to have worked out for them.  The series just never caught on, and after shuffling it around the schedule for awhile, it just disappeared.  Why did Americans not take a liking to the series?  I honestly think it had something to do with the older art style.  There's definitely a gap in animation quality between Lupin and today's anime, which I'm sure was a turn-off for many people.  Just like that, a series was ignored in the states.

I'm sure you guys aren't guilty of that, though!  While Lupin may not be airing on TV here anymore, that doesn't mean we don't love him!  I actually wear a Lupin pendant on my necklace, which I've had on there for the better part of 6 years.  I just wish more people let Lupin get a bit closer to their heart!  The visuals fooled too many people into thinking that Lupin the Third was going to be low quality.  Little do they know what they missed out on.

Love is in the air

When most people think of anime, they come up with images of extreme violence, lots of giant robots battling, and a few girls with giant boobs.  To say that all of that isn't part of anime would be untrue, but those features don't surface in all series'.  Some series have absolutely nothing to do with the content above.  As a matter of fact, there are some anime that focus in on one simple story element...love.

I know that in the states, most guys hate to see so-called 'chick flicks'.  I'm thinking that Twilight falls into the realm of a chick flick.  While I have nothing against those that enjoy that film or the book series, I can say that it's not for me.  I just can't do away with the cheesy nature of these features, and it takes me right out of the story the movie is trying to tell.  With anime, I find my attention span completely different.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I actually like love stories a lot when it comes to anime!  I might actually find more pleasure in these anime than the ones that focus in on action!  I really love to see the interaction between characters, and there may be no better way to build up moments like that than with a love story.  Taking us on an emotional journey between two characters is one way to really grab the viewer's attention.

5 Centimeters Per Second is definitely a love story, and the tale it tells is going to stay with me forever.  It really tugs at the heart strings and makes you think about love and life in general.  The same thing goes for the series Spice and Wolf.  While there is some action in that series, the core of the story is all about a forbidden love, and it helps to really make the feature feel alive.  I just can't help myself when it comes to love stories, and I'm not ashamed to admit it!

What anime love stories make you weak in the knees?  How do you feel about relationship anime in general?

How do you pick the anime you watch?

As much as I love anime, I don't have nearly as much time to dedicate to it as I'd like.  That includes all aspects of my anime interest.  I don't have the time I'd like to put into this site, I don't have the time to watch as much as I want, and I certainly don't have the time to be truly up-to-date on what the next big thing could be.  While my anime passion is truly deep, my daily day-to-day activities keep my interactions on the casual side.

All these time restrictions mean that I have to use free time I do get wisely.  When it comes to anime, I want to make sure I'm jumping into an experience that I'll most likely enjoy.  I'm completely open to all types of anime experiences, but I need a few nudges in a direction first.  Since I'm mostly into localized releases, that means I don't have too many resources to make decisions from.

Lately, I've been taking reviews into account a lot more than I used to.  I've been keeping track of certain reviewers and outlets that seem to fall in line with the content I like.  Now I keep an eye out for reviews from those people to see if I should consider a purchase.  I really think looking at review averages is going to skew things in a bad direction for most people, myself included.  That's why I find specific reviewers to align myself with.

While I read some reviews online, I'm a bit old-fashioned with my approach.  I actually prefer the reviews I find in print, such as with magazines like Otaku USA.  There's just something about the style that I appreciate.  Again, the reviewers on staff at Otaku USA seem to be pretty easy to please, which fits well with my tastes.  It doesn't take much in an anime to make me happy.

I guess my newest method of learning about which content is worth my time would be Twitter.  I've been very active on our Twitter account, and it's lead me to hearing a lot about new/old anime from all sorts of sources.  Word of mouth is always a good way to at least get news on what seems to be striking a chord lately.  After hearing about a certain anime a number of times, I'll reach out to specific Twitter users to get more info. It's actually been very helpful!

What do you guys do when it comes time to choose an anime?  Do reviews matter to you?  Do you have a certain approach that you always stick to?

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

July 6th - Today's anime purchase

I really only ever get to go out for a few hours once a week, and that's the night that I have a few hours off from GoNintendo.  I almost always find myself at a retailer that's selling games or anime, and today it was anime!  Today's anime purchase is...

RideBack was a series that I was on the fence about.  I didn't decide to take the plunge until I read yet another series review last night.  It's definitely straying from my anime norm, but the reviews in recent weeks convinced me that it should find a spot in my collection.  I'm pretty excited to dive into this one, but that's for a later date!

Any of you guys/gals check this one out?  If so, let me know what you thought!

Anime series: One at a time, or as many as possible?

I am a very simple man.  It doesn't take a lot to get me confused or distracted.  This comes into play with every aspect of my life.  If I'm doing work on GoNintendo, I need to focus solely on that.  The most I can do is have music playing in the background while I work.  It's video game music, so at least it ties into what I'm doing!  If someone else is moving around the office taking on some other activity, I find it ridiculously hard to focus on my job.

This same thing happens to me when I watch anime.  For all the anime that I've seen, there is so much more out there that I haven't experienced.  I have plans on checking out as much anime as possible while I'm still walking this earth, but my method of viewing isn't exactly the best way to handle that.  In order to keep things straight in my mind, I can only watch one series at a time.

When watching an anime series, I want to make sure that I take in every aspect of the show.  I want to get to know the characters and all that they have to offer.  I want to enjoy the story and analyze it as I go along, I make sure to listen closely to the music just to see how it meshes with the on-screen action.  All of it comes together in an experience that will hopefully stick with me for many years to come.  If I try to watch two series' at one time, my frame of reference gets all screwed up!

One anime series at a time is definitely not the most efficient way to go, but I've been burned by multiple series' viewings in the past.  I've come to realize that I'll truly appreciate anime more if I just go one at a time.  At least I can watch a bunch of episodes one right after the other!  Sometimes an entire series can be wrapped up within a single day...if I'm really feeling motivated!

What type of anime viewer are you?  Do you try to watch as many series' as possible at the same time, or do you stick with one at a time?

What anime deserves a shot on North American TV?

As we've mentioned in previous articles, there are all sorts of ways to get your anime fix.  Everywhere you turn, there's a method for viewing anime.  You can check out some features on Netflix streaming, watch through Video on Demand services, purchase Blu-ray and DVDs at your local retailer, and of course there's traditional TV broadcasts.  The only problem is, anime on TV is few and far between.

There are only a handful of networks that have anime features in their lineup.  The biggest traditional network would have to be Cartoon Network.  While it's fantastic to see their Saturday Adult Swim block filled with anime, it's not exactly aired at the best time.  Unless you plan on staying up until 2 in the morning, you're going ot miss a lot of what they have to offer.  Still, it's the best bet for catching a nice chunk of respectable anime on TV.

Any exposure on TV is good for anime, no matter what time it airs.  While many people may think that TV is a dying medium, it still reaches millions upon millions of people every single day.  All it takes is a fraction of that viewing audience to make something into a bonafide hit.  Successful programming can pop up on any channel at any time of the day.  The audience just has to find it there.

Wouldn't you love to see some more anime features get attention on TV networks?  If you had a choice of just one anime, what one would you like to see get an airing on American TV?  What anime feature do you think would be a good fit for television broadcasting here, especially in order to reach a new audience?

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Gone before I knew you: Satoshi Kon

As I've said a few times on this site, I hit an anime void sometime around the year 2006.  I was building up GoNintendo and had to sell my anime collection in order to fund that site.  With that, I pulled away from anime altogether as it reminded me too much of all the content that I had lost.  It wasn't until a few years later that I would have the time to get back into anime.  That meant I had a lot of lost time to catch up on.

I'm still going through all sorts of content that I missed out on.  The past few days I have been learning a lot more about the works of  Satoshi Kon, the man behind Paprika.  I knew that Kon had a handful of other well-respected films, but Paprika was the first of his films that I had the pleasure of checking out.  I was so impressed with his work that I watched the entire 'making of' feature on the Paprika Blu-ray.

That article lead me to a conversation with some of my friends today about the film itself.  I have a couple friends that have seen Paprika, and they too agree that it's quite an amazing piece of cinema.  We then started talking about other films that Kon had worked on, and I realized just how much content I've missed out on.  While thinking about checking out his other works, one friend said that it was so sad to see Satoshi Kon pass before his time.  This was the first I heard that Satoshi Kon had passed away.

Just like that, a man that I had come to truly respect in a 24 hour period had disappeared.  I came to learn of his work and his subsequent death in such a short span of time.  It's a real shocker, because I can only imagine how many more amazing creations Kon had in his mind, just waiting for the right time and place to bring the to us.  Satoshi Kon left this world far too early, and not by his own choice.  With that said, at least he has left us with a body of work that absolutely anyone can enjoy for years to come.

While I may have only really learned about Satoshi Kon this week, I will never forget him.  We've lost a truly talented person, and an extremely important figure in the world of anime cinema.

Okay...now things are getting a bit too complicated

Just like TV and traditional movies, there are all sorts of types.  You can check out films that have very easy to understand plots, or watch TV shows that weave a tangled web of story and details over years' worth of content.  Anime is exactly the same, and I personally believe that some anime has more intricate plots and stories than traditional media.  Then there are anime that I think are just trying too hard.

Do you ever get the impression that some anime are desperately trying to piece together sophisticated stories, only to come off seeming silly and over-complicated?  There are a few out there that explain away big story details with even crazier information that didn't even exist a few minutes prior.  It's kind of like the Star Trek syndrome.  Explain yourself out of any situation with an absolutely outlandish string of nonsense logic.

I don't think there's anything wrong with striving to be something special when it comes to anime.  You definitely need a little something to stand out from the crowd, and a detailed story with sophisticated characters can make that happen.  The thing is, that type of content just doesn't appear out of thin air.  Unfortunately, that's where some creators try to pull their content from.

What anime have you watched that are just trying to hard to be something more than they are?

What anime freaked you out the most?

With all types of anime out there, you're bound to hit upon something that isn't going to sit right with you.  You can't possibly like every bit of anime that comes out, and every once in a great while you'll view something that is going to stick in your mind whether you like it or not.  It may have been a tad too creepy for you, or just downright scary.  Maybe it was plain weird, and just thinking about it gives you goosebumps.

This topic comes into my head right now because I've just watched two anime features that startled me in different ways.  As I've stated before, Dance in the Vampire Bund has some very questionable scenes that will forever make me feel a bit skeeved out.  Those scenes simply aren't going to be removed from my memory until I leave this earth!  I hope I'm around for a long time, but I'm none too happy about those specific portions of the anime sticking with me!

On a completely different level is Paprika.  This movie has some of the most amazing imagery I've ever seen.  Some truly innovative and original ideas pouring forth on the screen.  It just so happens that a few of those images can be a bit startling.  There are a few rather grotesque images that, coupled with their smooth animation, really leave a lasting imprint.  Nothing to wake me up in a cold sweat at night, but still, imagery that I'll never forget.

Out of all the anime content you've checked out in your life, what imagery managed to really creep you out?  I'd love to hear, and I apologize for stirring up any bad memories!