Durarara!! Ep. 3 - impressions
Another week, another Durarara!! episode. I can't believe how long the wait feels between episodes, and then how quickly the actual episode flies by while watching. I guess that's a good thing! If I wasn't enjoying the series, I don't think time would go so quickly while watching! While this week's episode may not have been better than the last, but it was definitely still engaging.
Personally, I felt the first half of the episode to be a bit slow. Compared to last week's intriguing dialog and character development, things felt a little slow-going in this episode. It wasn't until later in the episode that I realized that we were watching an intentional slow boil that would lead into the most action we've seen in the series yet.
The second half of episode three is jam-packed with some of the biggest, most elaborate action we've seen in the series. It's a completely different style when compared to what we saw from our headless motorcycle rider. This action is even more over the top, and even a bit comical in nature. Needless to say, it really was a spectacle. This is the showpiece of the entire episode, and I can only hope that the series is going to bring more of this type of content.
I still say that episode 2 is my favorite thus far, but 3 really gave things a run for my money with the second half. If anything, I think this episode proved that Durarara!! has a lot to offer the viewer. It can be deep and introspective, but it can also be packed with all-out action and over-the-top characters. I'm definitely interested in a series that strives to be all things and pulls it off.
7 out of 10
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